Healthy Guilt Free Snacks

To snack or not to snack is not the question, because there is nothing wrong with taking snacks in between meals. If we are having problems with controlling our weight, then that is the time to think of the best snacks that can control or lose weight. The problem does not lie in taking snacks but it is the kind of snacks that you take in that is causing the problem. Snacking should even be seen as a means of losing weight because it should prevent you from being too hungry or overeating during designated meal times. However, we should take the right kinds of snacks, the ones that will stave off carving and will keep the body burning calories all day. If you want to know the best snacks to take in you need to do some careful research and carefully plan the snacks that you will take.


Here are some of the healthy snacks that you can take.


Raw vegetables like carrots, peppers and cherry tomatoes are good and healthy. However, if you do not want to take these raw, you can search for GuiltFree Singapore snack recipes in the internet where you can use these healthy veggies. A celery stick which is a hydrating vegetable can be eaten with peanut butter. This is a simple but balanced snack. You can try some other types of butter for this snack. Tomato juice has lycopene which protects our immune system.


Fruits are healthy snacks too. Try taking frozen red seedless grapes for a good treat especially during the hot months. Apples are fruits abundant in antioxidants which has pectin, which gives the body a lot of health benefits. One apple makes a perfect snack. You can also snack on unsweetened applesauce for a snack which is low in calories. View for news about health and fitness.


Nuts and seeds are another good healthy snack. Almonds have a lot of nutrients in them. They are a good source of vitamin E and magnesium, protein and fiber. Pumpkin or sunflower seeds are a good and delicious source of the B vitamins, iron, magnesium, zinc and protein. They can be eaten raw or roasted.


What about guilt free snacks? Try some no-sugar fruits bars from which are low in calorie yet tastes like a real treat. Far free pudding, plain non-fat yogurt, and fudgsicle for those craving ice cream. These have low calories and are perfect healthy guilt free snacks.


Other snacks that you can take are fat-free cheese or hardboiled egg. These are perfect snacks that are low in calories.